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Balancing Work and a New Baby

In the first weeks going back to work after maternity leave, the adjustment is rough on several levels. Not only do you have a lot more to juggle than you did before, going back to work after a new baby is a deeply emotional time. Many companies don’t offer enough maternity leave, so new mothers are still healing, still adjusting, full of fluctuating hormones, and likely still very sleep deprived when they get back in the office. It makes for a rough transition for most women, even if they’ve experienced it before. With that in mind, the question on many new mothers’ minds is how to make that transition easier and find a good work- and home-life balance.

What’s Important?

The first step to finding a good balance is figuring out what’s important to you. For many new moms, the guilt of leaving their newborn with a nanny is balanced by the knowledge that they are content, supported, and socially connected at work. Work becomes a place to feel rejuvenated, which means less stress when home with baby. Other mothers find it helpful to have a specific goal in mind when they go back to work; for example, setting a certain amount of their paycheck aside each month to start a college fund or savings for their child.

Getting Organized

Another hugely helpful step towards going back to work successfully is a bit more basic. It can feel a lot more fraught if you’re spending your morning scrambling to get yourself and baby ready for the day, pack your lunch, and gather everything necessary for a day at daycare from diapers to the best teethers. Instead of starting your day in a scramble, get your other half involved and get organized the night before! A few simple preparatory steps split between the two of you means you’ll be able to get out the door easier in the morning and start your days strong!

Pack your bag and baby’s, pack up leftovers from dinner and make sure baby’s nutrient needs are ready to go, and do like your mom did when you were young - lay your outfit out the night before. This means picking out your baby’s outfit and matching newborn girl accessories and packing a few spares. In addition, acknowledge that your body changed during pregnancy, so the first few weeks back to work, you may want to try on your outfits the night before, right down to your accessories. Picking a few women’s fashion accessories will make you look and feel more put together. Then, when baby starts teething, a baby chew necklace doubles as trendy fashion jewelry for women.

Look and feel more put together with women’s fashion accessories from 2 Girls 1 Shop. A fun and fashionable diaper bag will keep you organized and carry everything baby will need for a day at daycare. Revamp your work wardrobe with some new fashion jewelry for women and try one of our baby chew necklace options to look put-together and offer your teething baby relief. Shop online today!

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