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Playdate Ideas for Rainy Days

When the clouds roll in and it starts pouring outside, your kids probably start climbing the walls in boredom. Instead of turning on a movie and watching them tune out for a few hours, encourage play, spark their imaginations, and engage your kids’ minds! If you live somewhere especially rainy (or snowy) and you need some new rainy day ideas that don’t involve the TV, try a few of these!

Host a Tea Party

A plastic or durable ceramic mini tea set may not be the most exciting when compared to a noise-making light-up electronic device, but it is an integral part of childhood for so many girls across the nation, even though it lacks high-tech gadgetry like cool novelty products. One of the reasons tea parties are great is they call for an excess of imagination while your daughter pretends to be a queen, the lady of the house, or whatever else she chooses to be. On a rainy day, help your daughter host a tea party, but make it a more elaborate one. Teach some early kitchen skills while you get help preparing snacks or make it a fancy tea party with fun frocks and makeovers. Let your daughter pick out something fancy for each of you to wear and indulge in some colorful cosmetics for an at-home makeover!

Get Active

Being stuck indoors can be a hard time, especially for your super energetic boys who just want to run. If you’ve got kids stuck at home and getting restless, try these cool novelty products for an indoor-friendly game that will get the wiggles out. Start an at-home version of laser tag with those finger lights - every time you get caught by someone else’s light, you have to freeze for 30 seconds! Or, for younger kids, try hiding these lights around the house and make it a race to find as many as possible.

Tell a Story

Texting lingo and emojis are becoming more and more common in our society. Tap into that popular culture phenomenon and get your kids’ imaginations involved with these fun emoji stickers. These cool novelty products come with a selection of different options; challenge your kids to create a story that makes sense using emoji stickers and, for the older kids, as few words as possible. The person with the most stickers wins, but only if the story makes sense! This way, your kids’ creative thinking will be engaged and you’ll promote great imagination use!


Teach a New Skill

Rainy days are great for learning new skills and starting new hobbies. Teach your kids how to crochet, hold an impromptu baking lesson, or start a woodworking project. This can be a great time to ask your kids if there’s something they would like to learn how to do, even if it’s something as simple as learning to braid hair. Fortunately, with a couple of YouTube videos or some cool novelty products like this French braiding tool, you can teach your kids fun new skills while defeating the rainy day crazies!

For cool novelty products and unique kids toys that will help defeat the rainy day blues, shop online with 2 Girls 1 Shop today!

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